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A member registered Mar 31, 2019

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Hello, it's me again, it would be good that after the barren island, there is an island with cities, some abandoned and others to reform eco-friendly, it would be very incredible, there should be a menu where you can do cooperative economics, along the campaign, and one last island in the ocean with plastics and others, even if I get carried away, haha

hola, soy yo otra vez, estaría bueno que luego de la isla yermo, alla isla con ciudades, unas abandonadas y otras para reformar eco-amigable, seria muy increible, deberia haber un menú donde poder hacer economía cooperativa, a lo largo de la campaña, y una última isla en el océano con los plasticos y demas, aunque me deje llevar, jaja 

I was moved by the way in which all biodiversity returns to its habitat, after everything has been a wasteland, I zoomed in on the bear and every little animal and insect that was around. This game is a great piece, there would have to be thousands of games like that, that create awareness about what surrounds us, beautiful 10/10

Se ve bien, a probarlo, luego te lo califico ;D

This game is beautyful, the art and strory, thanks for be and exist!

Go to try!!